Þessi færsla er dálítill leikaraskapur, en þannig er að ég rakst á grein í Medium.com um geimfara sem tjáði sig um geimverur, sem eins og margir vita, eru ofarlega í huga a.m.k. bandarískra stjórnvalda.
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Fyrst kemur þýðingin (óleiðrétt), en fyrir neðan er upphaflega greinin.
Fyrrverandi geimfari játaði áður enhann dó: Geimverur komu í veg fyrir kjarnorkustríð á jörðinni
Nánar tiltekið vísaði geimfarinn til UFO í herstöðvum:
"Ég ræddi við nokkra yfirmenn flughersins sem störfuðu í þessum
bækistöðvum á tímum kalda stríðsins. Þeir sögðu mér að fljúgandi furðuhlutir
sæjust oft og að þeim tækist að slökkva á eldflaugum sínum. Aðrir embættismenn
á Kyrrahafsströndinni sögðu að eldflaugar þeirra hefðu oft verið skotnar niður
af framandi skipum. Það var mikið um að vera í þá daga. "Hann opinberaði.
Samkvæmt Mitchell leyndu bandarísk stjórnvöld kerfisbundið alls kyns
upplýsingum um þessi atvik. Í þessu skyni voru árið 1974 undirrituð
þjóðaröryggislög sem bönnuðu birtingu allra upplýsinga um slík kynni.
"White Sands var tilraunasvæði fyrir kjarnorkuvopn - og það er það sem
geimverurnar höfðu áhuga á. Þeir vildu vita um hernaðarmátt okkar," sagði
Mitchell. En margir eru efins þrátt fyrir að ekki aðeins Mitchell heldur margir
aðrir fyrrverandi geimfarar, herforingjar og háttsettir embættismenn hafi talað
um UFO og framandi líf, svo ekki sé minnst á óteljandi aflétt háleynileg skjöl
sem hafa verið gerð aðgengileg almenningi á síðustu tveimur árum. Ennfremur
fullyrti Dr. Mitchell, sem var með BS gráðu í flugverkfræði og doktorsgráðu í
flug- og geimfarafræði að Roswell UFO yfirhylmingin væri raunveruleg.
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Former Astronaut Confessed Before Dying: Aliens Prevented Nuclear War On Earth
Edgar Mitchell, former NASA astronaut, and the sixth human being to set foot on the moon during the Apollo 14 mission in 1971. After retiring, he devoted his life to the unconventional scientific study of extraterrestrial life. He died in Florida, United States, at 85 years of age. However, before leaving Earth in his final trip, Mitchell shocked the general public when, during an interview with the British newspaper Mirror Online, he revealed that aliens visited the Earth during the Cold War, and prevented a nuclear war. “My own experience talking to people has made it clear the ETs had been attempting to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth, ” he told Mirror Online in an interview. “The extraterrestrials were trying to prevent war by helping create peace on Earth,” he said.”
Specifically, the astronaut made reference to UFO sightings in military bases: “I spoke with several Air Force officers who worked in these bases during the Cold War. They told me that UFOs were frequently seen and that they were able to deactivate their missiles. Other officials on the Pacific coast said that their missiles were frequently shot down by alien ships. There was a lot of activity in those days. “he revealed. According to Mitchell, the US government systematically hid all kinds of information about these incidents. To this end, in 1974, a National Security Act was signed, which prohibited the disclosure of any information regarding such sightings. “White Sands was a testing ground for atomic weapons — and that’s what the extraterrestrials were interested in. They wanted to know about our military capabilities,” said Mitchell. But many people remain skeptical despite the fact that not only Mitchell but many other former astronauts, military officers, and high-ranking government officials have spoken about UFO’s and alien life, not to mention the countless declassified top-secret documents that have been made available to the general public in the last couple of years. Furthermore, Dr. Mitchell, who had a Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering and a Doctor of Science degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics claimed the Roswell UFO cover-up was real.
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